Friday, May 31, 2019
An Analysis of Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- Tempest Essays
An Analysis of Shakespeares The TempestThere are many ways of interpreting Shakespeares The Tempest. A Post-Colonialist critic, such(prenominal) as Stephen Greenblatt, will look at the influence of historical and semipolitical implications of colonialism on the text. Along these lines, a Reader Response critic, such as Paul Yachnin, will look specifically at Shakespeares audience and their concerns at the time in which the play was written. Very different from these approaches, a Psychological critic, such as Bernard Paris, will completely ignore what was in the authors and audiences minds, and look at the psyche of the main character in the play. Regardless of which critical approach is employ to analyze the play, all interpretations should be considered objectively for they all provide a great deal of insight for studying the text. However, I believe that it is imperative to nurse in mind that the story offered in The Tempest is told from the point of view of the main character , Prospero. This has a definite impact on the interpretations and their validity. According to Stephen Greenblatt the preoccupation with political power was not unfamiliar to Shakespeare and his audience. In his essay, The Best Way to Kill Our Literary Inheritance Is to Turn It Into a Decorous Celebration of the New adult male Order, Greenblatt argues that recognizing the presence of issues such as colonialism and slavery in The Tempest will deepen the pleasure of the ordinary reader. He explains that it is very difficult to look at The Tempest without thinking about imperialism. The play, which is set on a mysterious island inhabited by natives and taken over by a European prince, is alter with allusions to the process of colonization. For example, one can f... ...rtins, 2000. 119-20.Paris, Bernard. The Tempest. Contexts for Criticism. 4th Ed. Donald Keesey. New York McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003. 235-43.Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. The Tempest A Case Study in Critical Controversy. Ed. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. Boston/New York Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. 10-88.Vaughan, Alden T. Shakespeares Indian The Americanization of Caliban.Shakespeare Quarterly 39.2 (Summer 1988) 137-153.Willis Deborah. Shakespeares Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism. The Tempest A Case Study in Critical Controversy. Ed. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. Boston/New York Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. 256-68.Yachnin, Paul. Shakespeare and the Idea of Obedience Gonzalo in The Tempest. Contexts for Criticism. 4th Ed. Donald Keesey. New York McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003. 34-46.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart :: Music Musician
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was probably the greatest genius in the world. He was born in Salzberg, Austria on January 27, 1756. The son of Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Maria Pertl. Leopold was a successful composer and violinist. At the age of three, Wolfgang showed signs of remarkable medicineal talent. He learned to play the harpsichord, a keyboard instrument related to the piano, at the age of four. Wolfgang began composing minuets at the age of five. When he was only six years old, he and his older sister, Anna Maria, embarked on a series of concert tours to Europes courts and major cities. They contend for the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa at her court in Vienna in 1762. Both children played the keyboard, but Wolfgang became a violin virtuoso as well.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has be stated the greatest music composer to ever live. He and his sister were both gifted child prodigies. The gift of music came so natural o Mozart that he could distinguish notes when blindfolded. He also had the gift of perfect pitch. His first opera was performed when he was eleven years old. It would only take him about two weeks to print an entire symphony or concerto. There are not many composers who can do an entire piece in such little time. He wrote twenty seven piano concerti. Mozart gave a series of twenty two piano concerts and conducted a few of them in a five week period. afterward his father Leopold died he became very depressed and his music turned dark and depressing. I find him to be a genius because he could compose music from his soul Mozart composed for several different genres, writing many different types of music such as concertos, symphonies, and German style operas to name a few.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
chemical waste :: essays research papers
          Clean Up Of Chemical Waste     Chemical spills are major problems that haunt the environment. Strict government regulation are trying inspection and repair this problem, but governmental leaders face many challenges. Disposal of harmful chemicals is often difficult and costly. Since chemical waste has destroyed the environment, steps are macrocosm taken to prevent further pollution, Like the Yucca mountain project.      A local based pharmaceutical company named Novo Nordisk released its 1999 environmental report. The company, which strives to keep from contaminating the environment, confessed to two fragment accidents for the year. A North Carolina plant was fined from the United States Department of Agriculture 1,000 dollars. Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid was disposed of in the public sewage frame. New counselling has taken action to insure this does not happen again. Also at th e Gentofte site in Denmark wastewater with the E- Coli bacteria was drained into the public sewage system from a leaky heater exchanger. The incident was reported to the local authorities and cleaned up quickly.       A local company offered to give expired chemicals to local schools. The chemicals fork up expired to which they can be used in schools for experiments and related activities. The companies prefer to donate the chemicals because it keeps them from the costly action of disposing of them properly. For example Novo Nordisk in Clayton, North Carolina has a platform in which they donate hydrochloric acid and other expired chemicals to Clayton High School. A chemistry teacher at North Johnston High School was unaware that companies could donate their expired chemicals. Her comment of the quality of the expired chemicals was positive. "Expired chemicals would be fine to use for experiments and help me out a lot due to the small cypher I am allowed e ach year for chemicals". A representative from Novo Nordisk stated that a program could easily be established if schools would show interest in the program.      Certain disasters stick out in the minds of many people . Chernobyl was a atomic plant in Ukraine that ended up being the worst nuclear leak in history. The media reported that, "On April 26, 1986, Chernobyls number four reactor exploded, spewing a cloud of radioactive material across a dowery of Europe in the worlds worst civilian nuclear reactor disaster". Officials estimate that about thirty people were killed immediately and more than fifteen kelvin people died in the emergency clean up afterwards.
Horse Dealers Daughter :: essays research papers
The short story, The Horse Dealers Daughter, by D. H. Lawrence is about Mabel Pervin and her three brothers who are left with debts to pay after their fathers death. Once the horses are sold Mabels brothers decide where their lives would lead them and advice her to seek the home of her babe. Realizing their rejection and acknowledging an dubious future, she visits the graves of her mother and father. Feeling depressed and helpless, Mabel walks into a mucky pond not cognizant of Jack Fergussons presence. Fighting his fear of water, Jack saves Mabel from an act suicide and has become a part of Mabels plan to remain where she wants to be. She decides to take advantage of the situation by expressing her hunch forward and convincing Jack that he loves her as well. Mabels love, in this story by D.H. Lawrence, is her escape from having to leave her town and live with her sister in a less desirable fashion. She uses love as a means of obtaining the comfortable lifestyle that she once l ived. She can once again have luxuries in life now that she will be marrying a doctor.Just as in the previous story, James Joyces short story Araby also suggests love as an escape. In this short story, the materialization boys existence surrounds a dreary and harsh environment. He lives with an uncle who drinks and an aunt who suffers from the heartache of an unhappy marriage. The boys friend Mangan has a sister who he is infatuated with to the extent of following her every move. He is so empowered by his feelings for her, he decides to go to Araby and buy Mangans sister a gift. On the day of the bazaar, his uncle forgets to be home on time to give the boy money and therefore causes him to be late.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Effect Of Alexander Graham Bell On Todays Society Essay -- Biography
The importance of Alexander Graham bell shape on todays society is visible, or rather audible, everywhere. First and almost importantly, Alexander Graham Bell was a prolific teacher of the deaf. He considered this to be his true lifes work, but only one of the many important things he did. With his great research of speech and sound, he would become one of the greatest inventors of all time. His own definition of an inventor is a man who looks upon the world and is not contented with things as they are. He wants to improve whatever he sees, he wants to benefit the world. suits him well. Every thing that he did had an impact on someone, and it was true that he wanted to improve the world.Alexander Graham Bell was born Aleck Bell in Edinburgh, Scotland, Melville and Eliza Symonds Bell. His father, Melville Bell, invented Visible Speech, a code of symbols for all spoken sounds that was used in teaching deaf people to speak. His mother, Eliza Bell, was deaf, this lead Melville and Alex ander to exploration in the subject of teaching deaf people. Alexander Bell studied at Edinburgh University in 1864 and worked with his father at University College, London, from 1868-70. During this time, he became deeply interested in the study of sound and the mechanics of speech, inspired in part by the audio experiments of German physicist Hermann Von Helmholtz, which gave Bell the idea of telegraphing speech. When young Bells two brothers died of tuberculosis, Melville Bell took his family to the healthier climate of Canada in 1870. From there, Aleck Bell went to Boston, Massachusetts and in 1871 and joined the staff of the Boston nurture for the Deaf. In 1872, Bell opened his own school in Boston for training teachers of the deaf. In 1873 he bec... ...ham Bell. New York Harry S. Abrams, 1997Alexander Graham Bell Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 5 whitethorn 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. Telephone Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 1 May 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. Alessandr o Volta Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 5 May 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. United States Patent and Trademark Office Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 4 May 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. Hounshell, David A. Bell, Alexander Graham. foundation Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .Brodsky, Arthur R. Telephone. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .Christiansen, John B. Deafness. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .Brodsky, Arthur R. Telegraph. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .
Effect Of Alexander Graham Bell On Todays Society Essay -- Biography
The importance of horse parsley Graham cost on todays society is visible, or rather audible, everywhere. First and most importantly, Alexander Graham Bell was a prolific teacher of the deaf. He considered this to be his true lifes work, but only one of the many important things he did. With his great research of linguistic communication and sound, he would become one of the greatest inventors of all time. His own definition of an inventor is a man who looks upon the world and is not contented with things as they are. He wants to improve whatever he sees, he wants to benefit the world. suits him well. Every thing that he did had an impact on someone, and it was true that he wanted to improve the world.Alexander Graham Bell was born Aleck Bell in Edinburgh, Scotland, Melville and Eliza Symonds Bell. His father, Melville Bell, invented Visible Speech, a code of symbols for all spoken sounds that was used in teaching deaf mountain to speak. His mother, Eliza Bell, was deaf, this lead Melville and Alexander to exploration in the subject of teaching deaf people. Alexander Bell studied at Edinburgh University in 1864 and worked with his father at University College, London, from 1868-70. During this time, he became deeply interested in the study of sound and the mechanics of speech, inspired in part by the audio experiments of German physicist Hermann Von Helmholtz, which gave Bell the idea of telegraphing speech. When young person Bells two brothers died of tuberculosis, Melville Bell took his family to the healthier climate of Canada in 1870. From there, Aleck Bell went to Boston, Massachusetts and in 1871 and joined the staff of the Boston School for the Deaf. In 1872, Bell undefended his own school in Boston for training teachers of the deaf. In 1873 he bec... ...ham Bell. New York Harry S. Abrams, 1997Alexander Graham Bell Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 5 may 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. Telephone Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 1 May 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. Alessandro Volta Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 5 May 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. United States patent and Trademark Office Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 4 May 2005. Wikipedia. 7 May 2005. Hounshell, David A. Bell, Alexander Graham. beingness Book Online persona Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .Brodsky, Arthur R. Telephone. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .Christiansen, John B. Deafness. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .Brodsky, Arthur R. Telegraph. World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. World Book, Inc. 7 May 2005. .
Monday, May 27, 2019
Genetically Modified Food and Gm Foods Essay
Its been said that humans be what they decimate. The relationship humans endure with forage is unappreci take ind. solid food is the fuel that keeps humans going, gives them the energy needed to be creative and productive it is the building block of society, after all, it wasnt until the Neolithic Era, when humans figured muster up out a way to domesticate plants and animals, that any form of organized society formed. Even during the previous hunter-ga on that pointr foraging era, humans were very connected to the food they ate understanding where it came and having an idea of how it came to be was crucial to knowing what was vital to survive.In this time, food sources desire grains, fruits, and vegetables were by nature abundant, whole. Humans could choose between umpteen variant types of nutritious food because there were thousands of varieties of species. Unfortunately, as populations grew and more civilized societies formed, various farming techniques were created, an d a vast majority of these species became extinct to make way for the harvest of a select few (Pringle).In the industrial era, societies around the world, especially western ones, emphasized the importance of technological advancements. With this pursuit of technology, nature became something to control alternatively than live with an attempt at making life simpler, better. Breaching the gap between nature and technology is optimization. It is this obsession with optimization that most accurately characterizes contemporary America. Undoubtedly, it comes with gravid costs. As it turns out, optimization is a business, and a profitable one.Thus, the costs and do of optimization are often hidden from the public by industrial leadership in an effort to maintain profits. They control the businesses they run and protect themselves by dumping millions of dollars into politics. Today, it seems that the gap between nature and technology has been breached with the propagation of familialal ly modified organisms (GMOs). The aliens that now fill supermarkets nationwide represent the ultimate disconnect from natural, whole foods necessary for a healthy lifestyle.People are relatively uninformed nearly GM foods, issues include their benefits, the testing and practicedty, the harmful effects they can feature on the body and surround, the politicss role as overseer, the labeling controversy, and the substantially equivalent weight principle all of these issues are conveniently hidden vitalities in understanding the danger, the deleterious effects, and the risks of GM foods.In tackling these issues, an additional understanding of the historic background of how GMOs came to be is equally important. Advocates for the rapid advance of technology will cite the legion(predicate) positive breakthroughs, the internet, healthcare, the numerous inventions its enceinte to argue with, which is why when addressing GM foods, the emphasis should be placed on the relationship betw een technology and nature, specifically within the food application, and how this relationship has become too intimate, to the point where its awkward to differentiate between technology and nature.The courtship leading to the marriage between technology and nature is exemplified in Peter Pringles book, Food, Inc. , in which he discusses the 1960s Green Revolution, a turning point in agriculture during which producers moved from traditional to monoculture methods of farming. This vastly increased crop yields. But how? Farmers had high yields because they started to use fertilizers and pesticides containing chemicals like nitrogen, left over from World War II explosives.New irrigation systems were introduced and animals replaced some human labor in order to handle the large crop palm and monoculture agriculture provided food relief to starving nations post-war (Pringle). Farmers experienced a rude awakening when yields started to decline due to a go of unforeseen or unaddressed consequences. Although the Green Revolution give birthd or improved millions of lives during the 1960s, little consideration was given to the future effects it could ache on environmental sustainability.The lack of food plant diversity eventually led to multiple problems, like the mass destruction of crops that had contracted disease or succumbed to pesticide-resistant insects, chemically saturated and overly moire soils, and an inevitable decline in production yields (Pringle). Obviously, the linked States needed to find a solution to this problem. By the late 1900s, many scientists and biotechnologists approved and counsellord heritable technology as the most viable solution. This process is best described by Lauren and Robin Ticciati in their book, Genetically Modified Foods Are They Safe?You Decide. According to the Ticciatis, scientists be after to take a gene from one completely different organism and insert it into the plant in order to make it yield a sought after o utcome (Ticciati). The goal was to create food plants that could grow and withstand harsh conditions like pesticides, infertile soil, unfavorable climates, and geographical locations. Despite wariness from skeptical environmentalists approximately the unkn receive future effects of genetic food engineering, the companies who profit from this new food technology proclaimed it to be the wave of the future.As the Ticciatis evidenced, in 1996, when the FDA approved the use of genetically engineered foods with no special label requirements, the GM foods were introduced on grocery market shelves with relatively no consumer awareness. This is just another utilization of how society is not clueless by choice. If this seems a harsh diagnosis, take into context what Kathleen Hart exemplified in her book, Eating in the Dark a view which took place just a couple years after GM foods were released revealed about two-thirds of the American adult population had no idea that supermarkets were ca rrying such items (Hart).Since then, GMOs have become part of the staple food products in the diets of the everyday consumer. Part of the problem is that nobody is exactly sure how harmful GM foods are, barely there is substantial evidence to show that they can have a devastating effect on the economy, the human body, and the environment. In Food, Inc. , Pringle discusses the farming method of artificial crossing breeding which became a huge success in the mid-1900s and attracted a lot of commercial attention, spawning the term agribusiness. Scientists shew that by crossing-breeding two varieties of a species of plant that had been inbred, and fertilized by their own pollen for three or four generations showed a tremendous leap in hybrid vigor, with grain yields up to 50 percent higher than the natural bred variety (Pringle). Unfortunately, when naturally crossed in the farmers fields, the hybrids strength did not withstand, so farmers had to rely on industry-produced super disg orges. An economic boom guidered within the seed and fertilizer industries, with businesses rapidly sprout up like the crops they helped produce.A few gos later the early warnings of genetic uniformity suddenly became a reality, (Pringle). One alarming discovery was the fact that since still one type of species was being harvested in a given area, if a crop contracted a disease, the holy field was wiped out, which meant no income that season for many farmers (Pringle). The companies who were invested in this new agricultural era and had seen the enormous profit potential in having a hand in controlling the food kitchen stove were not going to just quit.They pushed further into wisdom, seeking ways to alter a species genetic make-up in order for it to conform to optimization, instead of considering natural solutions to these problems (Pringle). Today, there are GM super foods that are so genetically modified that they differ starkly from their ancestors. It is a teeter-totter industry either profits are extremely high (like they have been for so long) or the industry fails and profits cease to exist.The latter doesnt look like its going to occur any time soon because the governing is firmly grasped by the biotech food companies that control the GM food industry. The most prominent of these companies, Monsanto, falsely advocates the necessity for GM foods, with the real motive the preservation of profits. Monsanto executive Hugh Grant claims they GM foods can help feed the world and preserve the environment by reducing the need for pesticides, (Harvest of Fear).Others advocate the hope that GM technology can save lives, like scientist Charles Arntzen, who is working on GM techniques to make edible vaccines to combat viruses in developing countries, (Harvest of Fear). more than recently, companies like AquaBounty Technologies are working to develop genetically engineered animals. AquaBountys AquAdvantage salmon has been touted as as steady-going as food from conventional Atlantic salmon, by the FDA, but is still being met with numerous opposition (Pollack).The salmon contain a growth hormone gene from the Chinook salmon and a genetic switch from the ocean pout that turns on an antifreeze gene, which allows the salmon to make growth hormone in cold weather, whereas they usually produce it only in tippy weather, (Pollack). Genetic manipulation is causing drastic changes in the natural behavior of the organisms its implemented on, and it is believed that this could have multiple adverse effects on the environment and society.Those who have similar concerns, these cautious enemies to GM foods, can find strength in recent studies that are beginning to expose the numerous harmful effects of GM foods. In a study done by Gilles-Eric Seralini at the University of Caen in France, 200 rats were fed either genetically engineered corn whiskey or the weed killer Roundup and observed for two years, their entire life cycle and not just the norm al ninety day period. It was found that they had an increased risk of developing tumors, ache organ damage, and dying prematurely (Pollack, GMO Global Alert).Additional animal studies have shown other serious health risks associated with GM food consumption infertility, immune dysregulation, deepen aging, and changes in the liver, kidney, spleen, and gastrointestinal system (Genetic Roulette). To exemplify how this is portrayed in humans, statistical evidence shows that after 1996, when GMOs increased in the American diet, disorders like inflammatory gut disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic constipation, gastrointestinal infections, Crohns disease, and gastroephageal reflux have all risen dramatically and consistently (Genetic Roulette).Further evidence indicates that GMOs cause food allergies, have increased toxicity, decreased nutritional value, and promote antibiotic resistance (UMN). Not only do GM foods have a great potential for negatively effecting humans, they are harmful to the environment. Companies like Monsanto claim that genetically modifying foods is environmentally friendly, but this has been proven wrong on a multitude of levels. There is lack of nutrients found in soil in which GM crops are planted (Ticciati). These crops hurt the soil and the food chain.The chemicals found in pesticides were not only killing pests but also small animals, especially birds, were also facing extinction (Robbins). Tampering with natural selection creates a domino effect and damages the entire ecosystem. exalted an unnatural element in the form of GM foods changes the equation and disrupts natural balance, even if things balance out, they will be forever different, even this is heavy. Although GM foods are responsible for massive crop yields and the increased food supply, the industry is precariously perched given the increasing amount of deleterious effects that are being undecided more and more each day.For this reason, the government needs to take action. This is another dilemma it is easy to wonder how the government can do anything when it has such closelipped relationships with the companies that all the fingers are being pointed at. The primary antagonist in this story is the company Monsanto, the inventor of saccharin, an artificial sweetener, and many additional products. Monsanto accounts for over two-thirds of genetically engineered soy, corn, and canola crops planetary (Robbins).Hendrik Verfaillie, Monsantos Senior valetudinarianism President and Chief Financial Officer, described the companys aggressive strategy with, The biggest mistake that anyone can make is woful slowly, because the game is going to be over before you start, (Robbins). It is understandable that a company this big has a profoundly large impact on government rulings regarding its industry. With Monsantos Roundup herbicide bringing in billions of dollars, the industry convinced the Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically engineered seeds s o that the offspring would become the property of the seed manufacturer.In Genetic Engineering, Food and Our Environment, Luke Anderson exemplifies the impact of this ruling by stressing the profound repercussions it will have on the future of living organisms This extraordinary decision by the U. S. Supreme Court heralded a new era. Once a shared heritage, the gene pool of plants, animals, and humans was now a commodity wait to be bought and sold (Anderson). What appears to be mainly a business venture is an extremely important political issue, with companies pouring millions into politics to stay afloat. This is exemplified by the pursual quote, from the documentary The Future of Food.Here, director D. K. Garcia focuses on the 2000 Presidential Election and the biotechnology issue Agricultural biotechnology will find a support occupying the sportsmanlike House next year, regardless of which candidate wins the election in November (Garcia). The Future of Food reveals top rankin g officials from the Supreme Court, such as well(p)ice Clarence doubting Thomas who previously represented Monsanto as their Lawyer for Regulatory Affairs, to Donald Rumsfeld, The Secretary of Defense, who was previously the President of Searle, a Monsanto subsidiary.Given their backgrounds, it is difficult to ignore the likelihood that their political stances would not be swayed. Even worse is Linda Fisher, who has switched roles between the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and Monsanto a number of times she was Monsantos Executive Vice President for nearly a decade and Deputy Administrator for the EPA as well as Commissioner for George Bushs administration (Garcia). Its frightening that the EPA, which acknowledges and regulates pesticides emitted into the environment, is likely to be biased in regards to the acclaim of genetically modified organisms into the environment.Needless to say, its shocking to see the connections that pose how more than of an apparent shape Monsa nto and the other leading biotech companies have on government regulations of GMOs. Evidence of this influence is presented in Seeds of Deception, in which Micah Sifry states, the four leaders of the biotech industry Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, and Novartis gave more than $3. 5 million in PAC, soft-money, and large individual contributions between 1995 and 2000, three-quarters of it to Republicans (Smith).Stricter guidelines and vast testing are not required because the companies have such strong political ties that they can influence the policy that is implemented upon them. In 1992, former U. S. Vice President, Dan Quayle, exemplifies this in his speech on behalf of the Council of Competitiveness, We will ensure that biotech products will receive the same oversight as other products, instead of being hampered by supererogatory regulation (Garcia). The FDA approved genetically modified foods with a high sense of hesitant reluctance.Consumers are supposed to rely on the FDA to determin e if food is safe for consumption the agency is supposed to be a protective one. This was a landmark decision for the FDA, a decision which required strong political influence for the agency to decide against its own principles. This is evidenced in The Future of Food Dan Quayle and the Bush administration appointed Michael Taylor as Deputy Commissioner for Policy, which Andrew Kimbrell divulges in an interview, noting that Taylor was formerly Monsantos Senior Counsel at the King and Spaulding law firm.Taylor instituted a no-regulation policy and left it to the biotech companies to determine whether or not genetically modified food was deemed safe for human consumption (Garcia). As the examples presented indicate, the successful clearance of GM foods has been engineered by companies like Monsanto and politicians, almost as much as the foods themselves. With the FDA swept out of the way, the companies that rule the biotech industry were free to roam as they pleased, testing at their fingertips.How can the consumers trust Monsanto to act in their best interest, especially when the companys theatre director of Corporate Communication, Phil Angell, says things like Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the asylum of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDAs job, (Robbins). Without extensive testing, which would almost certainly yield new truths about the harmful effects of GM foods, Monsanto can achieve its goal of selling as much as possible while disregarding the consequences this has on society and the environment. Testing is probably the biggest grey area of them all.The FDA has a persona of an overseer and protector, meaning that batch generally believe that all food undergoes tests by the FDA to ensure their safety. Unfortunately, this couldnt be further from the truth. Testing genetically modified foods is dependent on the haggling of the companies that develop them. According to Consumer Unions Jean Halloran, When a company comes in with data, the FDA looks at it and writes a letter saying, Dear Monsanto, you supplied information regarding the safety of corn variety X and we are confident about what youve shown, It is your responsibility, (CBS).The FDA is in a difficult position. It is presented with its initial objective of protecting the American heap but now, with biotechnology and GM foods, it is faced with a decision of whether or not to promote the biotech industry. The FDA regulates GM foods as part of the coordinated framework of federal agencies that also includes the EPA and the United States Department of Agriculture (Bashshur). The problem is that this framework has been the subject of critical analysis and calls for redesign it is outdated, with the FDA policy unchanged since 1992.It is available online and contains a searchable database that covers genetically engineered crop plants think for food or feed that have completed all recommended or required rev iews, (Bashshur). The policy places responsibility on the producer or manufacturer to manipulate the safety of the food, explicitly relying on the producer or manufacturer to do so Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the producer of a new food to evaluate the safety of the food and assure that the safety requirement of section 402(a)(1) of the act is met, (Bashshur).It is also this policy that establishes that the substantially equivalent concept, with which the FDA judges most GM crops as substantially equivalent to non-GM crops. In these cases, GM crops are designated as Generally Recognized as Safe under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) and do not require pre-market approval, (Federation of American Scientists). Although these products are described as substantially equivalent, their manufacturers stress that they are different so that they can patent them and continue to profit.In this situation, the consumer moldiness take the producers angle. Their product s are dramatically different their genetic composition is very different in comparison with that of their ancestral forms. In decision making whether or not to ingest these products, the consumer must realize that if the companies that produce them stress they are dramatically different, and there is minimal testing done on them, these GM food products could be extremely dangerous. Currently, there is no regulatory scheme requiring GM foods to be tested to see if it is safe for humans to eat or not.FDA guidance to the industry issued in 1997 covered voluntary consultation procedures, but still relied on the developer of the product to provide safety data, (Bashshur). There are numerous pieces of evidence that indicate that GM food testing is completely unregulated. The FDAs policy is outdated and weak, substantially equivalent cannot be justified when such a small level of testing has been done. The fact that this policy has remained unchanged for two decades is staggering theres p robably a lot of money holding it that way.In tackling what Ramona Bashshur describes as the FDAs dual mission, rational thought is vital. Although the FDA cannot ignore the opportunity to make scientific advances with the potential to better society, it must formulate on its original role, as a protector. While scientific advances with GMOs are rapidly continuing, there hasnt been enough testing on them to determine how dangerous they are. If testing was done and the foods proved safe, which they probably wouldnt, there would be nothing wrong with promoting it.In the meantime, as more and more harmful aspects of GM foods come to the surface, it would be smart for the FDA to revise its policy, improve the extent of testing done on these foods, so that America can move forward in science with the assurance that it wont hurt its citizens. This is a difficult task there is so much political influence on the industry that it may never occur. If the policy for testing cannot be amende d, there is action that can be taken that could have a similar outcome. Specialized labeling for GM foods would cook them apart from normal foods and make it easier for consumers to make healthy choices.In the United States, they arent labeled, while in Europe, Russia, China, and other countries, they are. This is an extremely popular movement in the United States. An example is Californias Proposition 37, which wouldve required labeling on raw or processed food offered for sale to consumers if made from plants or animals with genetic material changed in specified ways. And it would prohibit marketing such food, or other processed food, as natural, (Bittman). The numbers dont lie people supported Proposition 37 roughly 65% for to 20% against, with 15% undecided.From a issue perspective on the labeling issue, 91% of voters believe that the FDA should require that foods which have been genetically engineered or containing genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled to indicate that, (Bittman). With these numbers as a reference for the support that Proposition 37 had, its hard to believe that it was struck down. Again, this is an instance of money having the loudest voice in the room. Money flew in from both sides, but the food companies that stood to lose in the situation, like Monsanto and The Hershey Co., contributed to what was eventually a $44 million windfall for No on Prop 37, while proponents were only able to raise $7. 3 million, (Almendrala).According to MapLight, an organization that tracks advertize contributions, biotech companies amassed $46 million to defeat the measure, with Monsanto contributing $8. 1 million and Kraft Foods, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola each contributing at least $1. 7 million (Pollack). In contrast, those who sanction Proposition 37 were only able to contribute $9. 2 million money made the difference.Proposition 37 was close, garnering 47% of the vote, with campaigns like the online based Just Label It collecting signatures and comments on a petition to the FDA, requesting rules similar to those in the European Union, Japan, China, India and Australia, stating what transgenic food is in the package, (Moskin). The biggest thing about Proposition 37 is that it had national implications it wasnt just California that the food conglomerates were worried about. If it passed, it couldve been the beginning of a national labeling revolution, potentially the beginning of an even greater revolution.Throughout history, organisms have developed through a recurrence of genetic mutations that have naturally selected the organisms that are most fit for survival. The rise of GMOs can be viewed through the same lens. GMOs arose from the conditions next the monoculture agricultural shift in the 1960s Green Revolution. The key here is that they are not natural. The mutations that have aided the rise of GMOs are manmade, manufactured, and abnormal. GMOs are a result of the American obsession with optimization, which mani fests itself in technology.After World War II and throughout the Green Revolution, America sought numerous technological advancements as it relished its role as a world power. With GMOs, America breached the gap between technology and nature in an effort to optimize food. Companies like Monsanto, with their growing number of political connections, began using their funds to pave the way for GMOs to become and remain a staple contingent of the American diet. Today, GM foods are still in private and minimally tested and they remain unlabeled in the United States.While the FDA stands by its outdated 1992 policy, claiming that GM foods are substantially equivalent, the producers stress that they are different in an effort to obtain patents. America cannot trust the sources it looks to for accurate information because there has been little testing but there is hope on the view after California nearly passed a law forcing GM foods to be labeled. As concerned parties seek an answer, they must first look towards labeling these foods, sparking a chain reaction that causes uninformed consumers to ask questions like, Why are these foods specially labeled? and What makes these foods different? Labeling could prove to be the beginning of a further revolution to enhance regulation of GM foods. This revolution, though currently nonexistent, must occur before this problem mutates even further, before not just the American people, but the entire world, reaps the consequences for playing the role of Creator. Anderson, L. (1999). Genetic engineering, food, and our environment. Vermont Chelsea Green Publishing. Clark, E. A. & Lehman, H. (2001). Assessment of GM crops in commercial agriculture. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 14 (1), 3-28.Retrieved October 26, 2006, from ProQuest Research Library. Guidance for industry Voluntary labeling indicating whether foods have or have not Been developed using bioengineering. (2001) Retrieved November 8, 2006, from http// www. cfsan. fda. gov/dms/biolabgu. hypertext mark-up language. Garcia, D. K. (Director, Producer, Writer). (2004). The future of food. DVD. Mill Valley Lily Films. Hart, K. (2002). Eating in the dark. New York Pantheon Books. Pascalev, A. (2003). You are what you eat genetically modified foods, integrity, and society. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 16 (1), 583-594.Retrieved October 29, 2006, from ProQuest Research Library. Pringle, P. (2003). Food inc. New York Simon & Schuster. Robbins, J. (2001). The food revolution How your diet can help save your life and the world. Berkeley Conari Press. Smith. J. (2003). Seeds of deception. Vermont Chelsea Green Publishing. Ticciati, L. & Ticciati, R. (1998). Genetically engineered foods. Are they safe? You decide. New CanaanKeats Publishing. http//documentarylovers. com/genetic-roulette-gamble-our-lives/ http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=Njd0RugGjAg&feature=related http//www. h-moves-closer-to-federal-approval. hypertext markup language? pagewanted=all&_r=0 http//www. nytimes. com/2012/02/08/dining/a-suit-airs-debate-on-organic-vs-modified-crops. html http//opinionator. blogs. nytimes. com/2012/09/15/g-m-o-s-lets-label-em/? _r=0 http//www. nytimes. com/2010/09/21/business/energy-environment/21salmon. html http//www. nytimes. com/2010/09/04/health/policy/04salmon. html http//www. nytimes. com/2012/11/08/business/california-bid-to-label-genetically-modified-crops.hypertext markup language http//www. nongmoproject. org/learn-more/ http//www. html? _r=0 http//enhs. umn. edu/current/5103/gm/harmful. html http//www. cbsnews. com/2300-204_162-10004920-2. html http//www. americanbar. org/content/newsletter/publications/aba_health_esource_home/aba_health_law_esource_1302_bashshur.Html http//www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/11/07/prop-37-defeated-californ_n_ 2088402. html http//www. fas. org/biosecurity/education/dualuse-agriculture/2. -agricultural-biotechnology/us-regulation-of-genetically-engineered-crops. html http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=Njd0RugGjAg&feature=related.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Leslie Fay Case Essay
The use of financial ratios assists the listener in analyzing any queer deviations from the expected results, (Gupta, 2004). The financial ratios be then comp atomic number 18d with the entitys ratios for prior periods as well as with ratios for other businesses in the same manufacturing. A comparison with the industry ratios would waste warned BDO of some irregularities in Leslie Fays financial statements. BDO Seidman should consider been interested some important ratios that would table service in determining the accuracy of the financial statements that had been disposed(p) by Polishan and his staff. The important ratios include the liquidity ratios, the profitability ratios and the operating ratios, the leveraging ratios and the solvency ratios. Of higher importance should gain been the profitability apart from the gross profitability ratio. An exercising would be the assets turnover ratio which provides information on the efficiency on how the assets that have been purc hased are being utilized.The liquidity ratios would have assisted in cunning if and how the entity was going to repay its liabilities especi whollyy in the short term. An important ratio to investors and one that BDO Seidman should have considered is the price/cash track down ratio. This indicates the relationship between the persuade price and the operating cash flow. This is considered as the best way to determine the entitys profits. The capital turnover ratio is an important ratio to compare the gross revenue and the capital employed. A change in the capital turnover ratio would mean a manipulation of sales or one or more of the elements that make part of the capital employed, that is, fixed assets, cash, debtors or inventory. The use of ratios by the meeters is an important but it requires skills and experience in order to get the correct uninflected results. Other financial information required during the examineThe auditors should have done more testing in the contai ns of the financial process by a visualise to audit other important financial statements such as the cash flow statement and the bank reconciliation statement. The auditors should have overly followed the financial legal proceeding that had resulted to the balances in Leslie Fays balance sheets and the income statement. This would include conducting tests of understand in the transaction wheel around. The auditors should have audited Leslie Fays sales system, the purchases system, the inventory system, the cash system and the payroll system. In addition to this the auditor should have asked questions about ant subsequent events. Subsequent events are those events that occur in the period between the financial period closedown assignment and the date that the auditors conduct the auditor, both the adjusting and the non-adjusting events. In addition to the balance sheet, the income statement and the ratios, the auditor should have also asked for the periods cash flow statement .The cash flow statement is an important tool to investors and the way as it assists them in populateing the financial health of the organization. It is a statement that supports the income statements as there must be a connection between cash sales and credit sales especially if they have non been paid by the sup conceptiont of the financial period. Huge sales in the income statement without corresponding huge cash flow from the organizations operations should raise questions and should be explained by reconciliation. It has a consort with the balance sheet as it records ay new cash sales and purchases and other payments. The cash and bank balances can then be verified by a physical cash believe for the cash balances and confirmation by the bank through a bank letter that is sent by the auditor. The auditor should also request for the bank reconciliations and explanations for all the cheque shown in the bank reconciliation. A comparison of the ratios by the competing firms w ould have been important to the auditor in discovering the irregular variances.The auditor would have asked for an explanation for the variance as well as the evidence for the explanation figures. A qualified auditor should make wise judgment when cooking an audit. The auditor should be inquisitive and should be quick to notice some irregularity in the financial statements. This inquisitiveness should have guided the auditor to realize why Leslie Fay sales increasing while sales in the overall garment industry had been going down. This would have led to the querying by the auditors as to how Leslie Fay was the only(prenominal) garment industry that had not suffered a decline in sales during the late 1980s and early 1990s recessionary period. This in turn would have led to a need to plan an audit on the revenue cycle and tests on the internal controls in relation to the revenue cycle. The auditor should have verified the accuracy and the initiation of the figures that were appear ing in the income statement as revenue.The verification of the sales system should include authorization of the sales and the ac determines recording of these sales (Rittenbergm Et al., 2009). An audit on the sale systems involves ensuring that there is proper authorization of the sales orders, proper matching of customers to these orders, payments and the invoices and the records of goods outwards. An audit plan on revenue and sales system should include verification of any sales figure that appears at the end of the financial period as in most cases, there is a attainable risk of fraud or wrong adjustment of figures. It would also include an audit on the sales ledger control account. The sales revenue cycle would involve verification of the discounts to the customers. Had these measures been draw backn by the BDO Seidman audit firm, the fraud by Kenia would have been discovered earlier. The auditor should have planned to audit the inventory of the organization. instrument audit is important as it may form substantial and material amounts in the financial statements. This was the case at Leslie Fay where inventory was more than 30% of correspond assets in all the years within 1987 to 1991.A plan for inventory audit should emphasize on the existence of the inventory, accuracy and proper disclosure. This should include positive the cut off whereby the inventory is recorded in the correct financial period. An auditor should plan to attend the clients inventory physical count which provides the auditor with reliable audit evidence about the existence of this inventory. When planning for the attendance, the auditor should take into consideration the previous years physical count procedures, the value of the inventory in comprison with the total assets, and the procedures involved during the counting process. An attendance by BDO Siedman auditors during the inventory physical count at Leslie Fay would have revealed a shortage in the physical count as compared to the recorded figures.The physical count would have detected the irregularities that had been created when Kenia and his colleagues forged inventory tags. Physical inventory counting includes a comparison and recording of the purchase orders, good received notes and delivery notes. This ensures that the goods that are recorded as sales have actually been sold. Regarding the goods in transit, the auditor should plan to get third party confirmation that these goods are in existence and that they are in their premises. The inventory counting should be taken by conducted by personnel who are not daily involved in the inventory. In obtaining the payroll system the auditor would have identified how the remunerations for the executives at Leslie Fay were being calculated.A verification of the payroll system includes the documentation and authorization of the salary changes, the calculation of the salaries and deductions, the payments. The payments should be compared with the cash sent t o the bank and money debited to Leslie Fays bank accounts. This would have led to the auditors query on the high incentives by the executives. Another important area that should have been audited is the purchases system. This should emphasize on the authorization of the buying process, the custody and existence of the received goods and the recording of these transactions in the accounting books. Close to the purchases system is the accrual control account. To audit the accruals the auditor should have asked for after closing date invoices. This would ensure that all goods received have been recorded properly.Non-financial variables or factors that an auditor should consider when planning an audit and their audit implications.When preparing for an audit, there are some factors that an auditor should take into consideration. This should include the nature of the business, the timing of the audit, and the extent of the risk assessment procedures which is adequate for identifying the r isk of material misstatement. After the appointment the auditor should get to know the operations of the clients business that is being audited. This includes the business operations, the investments and financing, and the financial insurance coverage dates and methods. The auditor should assess the clients internal controls, the control procedures as well as taking a risk assessment tests.The initial planning should start with the strength and reliability of the internal controls that are in existence. inner controls assist in the safeguarding of the company assets and investors investments, prevention and detection of fraud. Internal controls are meant to improve efficiency in running a business as risks are identified. The internal controls also do help in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the annual reports as the control systems ensure that the reporting is in compliance with the alive regulations. In assessing the reliability of the internal controls, the auditor will be able to determine the amount of testing that should be taken on the financial of Minnesota Polishan apparently dominated Leslie Fays accounting and financial reporting functions and the individuals who were his subordinates. What implications do such circumstances pose for a companys independent auditors? How should auditors take such circumstances into consideration when planning an audit? A company in which one person is dominating all the accounting and financial reporting would imply that the company may have unaccented internal controls. When one person is essentially in charge of all the transactions in 2 departments, it would definitely indicate a set of weak internal controls. Weak internal controls can lead to employees perpetrating fraud, as it did in the Leslie Fay case. Management of the company, not the auditors, are amenable for internal controls. Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley requires that all public companies issue a report on internal contr ol containing 1) a statement that they are responsible for establishing and concording the controls and 2) an assessment of the effectiveness of those controls.Recall also that the second GAAS fieldwork standard states that The auditor must obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity and its environment, including its internal controls the internal control framework followed by most U.S. companies is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). More specific to this case, the audit team would have to assume that these circumstances would imply a weak internal control over classes of transactions. Auditors often are more concerned with the transactions rather than the account balances because the transactions will weigh heavily into the appropriateness of the account balances. The third component of internal control under COSO is control activities. There are several relevant factors under this component. For starters, there was probably not adeq uate separation of duties. It was said that Polishan ruled the accounting and finance departments. The person whom is responsible for putting out the financial statements and showing the public the financial gravel of the company should not be the one booking entries.Also, was there proper authorization of transactions and activities? Every transaction had to be run through capital of Minnesota Polishan, the CFO. This sounds like adequate controls the problem was that Polishans word was final on everything. No one else had any say because of Mr. Polishans total authority. Mr. Polishan also had salutary total authority on financial reporting. The real problem here is when someone has total control over both these functions, opportunities for fraud start to appear. With no one willing to question his positions, he was free to authorize transactions that made the books look go but obviously did not reflect frugal actuality. Another aspect is independent checks. Basically, this is r eviewing the other areas of control activities.There were likely no checks done in the case of Leslie Fay because Polishan had the final say on all transactions. Even if checks were in place, they were likely done by Polishan. The person responsible for performing the checks should be independent of the person originally responsible for performing the data. simply Polishan cannot be independent of himself. It was also mentioned that Mr. Polishans overall compensation was tied to the financial performance of the company. He had the motive, ability and means to cover up his double-dealing activity. Another key out factor leading to weak internal control was the fact that Polishans department was in an entirely different physical location. A lot of the major accounting and financial decisions for this company were being made at a separate building, far away from other key management personal. Now how should auditors take into consideration these circumstances when planning the audit ? The audit team will need to obtain and document their understanding of the companys internal controls. This can be done using a narrative, flowchart, or questionnaire.A narrative seems it would be best if applied here because it will help identify the separation of duties factor. The auditors may then want to perform a walkthrough to make sure what has been written down in the narrative is actually what is performed. In a walkthrough, the auditor selects a few documents and traces them from beginning to end. This way, the auditor can see the entire process involved in every transaction. This type of control may have helped the auditor see just how much catch Polishan had over the accounting area. It could have easily, however, been covered up. However, having the understanding that he had significant influence over finance, and that he oversaw all accounting matters should have raised a red flag. It would be very easy for someone to commit fraud in accounting knowing that they al so controlled finance. It seems that the fraud perpetrated in this case would be hard for an auditor to uncover.One person had control over two key departments. He himself never got his hands dirty, yet, always instructed subordinates to follow his instructions. After obtaining proper understanding of internal controls, the auditors must then assess control risk. This involves identifying audit objectives, identifying existing controls, associating controls with related audit objectives and, evaluating control deficiencies, significant deficiencies and material weaknesses. A control need exists if the design or operation of controls does not allow a company to prevent or detect fraud on time. When a control is well designed yet is not carried out well, an operational deficiency exists. In this case, the controls would appear to be in place. All transactions are done at the appropriate level, and are vouched for by the CFO.However, the CFO (Polishan) was forcing incorrect and double -tongued entries. Polishan would force his subordinate Donald Kenia to make then erroneous entries. The process would appear to be appropriate, but in this case fraud was committed at pass off levels. In general, the independent auditors should see this multi-tiered level of control and it should raise a red flag. They should set some type of testing, such as the walkthrough or narratives to better determine if there is strength for fraud. So much being done and controlled by one man is a red flag. The fact that Leslie Fay was able to maintain high sales and profits while others in the industry struggled was another red flag. These were all key factors that point to poor internal control and potential fraud.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Fast Fit Case Study
1. FastFit vitrine Study FastFit Sporting Goods is a successful New England regional provider of sporting goods to the high end consumer market. They sell an exclusive selection of equipment and app arl to men and women who exercise and pursue outdoor activities on a regular basis. They live five (5) upscale retail stores in the New England market that offer a high level of customer attention, with a headquarters (HQ) is in Burlington, Massachusetts, and a single wargonhouse, distribution, and eCommerce fulfillment center in Haverhill, Massachusetts.Most of their products are purchased from two suppliers, Winter Gear Distributers outside of Providence, Rhode Island, and Boston Fitness Supplies in Marlboro, Massachusetts. FastFit has expanded successfully in the New England area over the past five years. However to expand nationally as a major retailer, they need to improve the scalability of their operations (stores and warehouses). A notice part of their strategy is to leverage cultivation systems to automate and improve operations, to streng because management controls, and to enable significant growth while maintaining the high consult customer experience.A diagram of their complete non- electronic network based operations follows. See figure 1. pic Figure 1 A Schematic diagram of FastFit Sporting Goods Operations The initial Set of Case Study Questions The simple system diagram below may be used to answer the following questions. The questions should be answered using your public sense and knowledge of retail work ates because we have all bought things at a store. Be specific about the items of tuition, where they are captured, stored and used.How the information flows or is moved at heart FastFit may be shown by the student adding labeled arrows added to the diagram below. See figure 2. Figure 2 Starting Point for a System diagram of FastFit Business Information Flows A General Question 1. Mark the main flows of goods and money in the diagram (ab ove). Use single headed arrows and employ a key or table of descriptive elements to explain your answer. Customer Questions (focus on the customer and FastFit process flows, i. e. the front end of the diagram) 2. ) List the specific items of information that are commonly gathered at the POS (Point of Sale terminal or cash register) and recorded when a customer checks out (excluding obtaining the identity of the customer which is covered in Q3)? b) What are three important uses of this information at the store by the store manager and by headquarters management a total of six uses? 3. a) What are some ways to obtain the identity of the customer at the POS and to associate this identity with more detailed information about the customer? b) What business actions could FastFit then take based upon this additional information? . Assume HQ is responsible for replenishing inventory at the stores. a) What information is needed and how is it used to decide what to send to each store? b) Wh ere does the information come from? c) Why didnt we have each store decide what to order from the warehouse? Supplier Questions (focus on the FastFit and Supplier process flows, i. e. the back end of the diagram) 5. a) Draw a system diagram that shows the key information and product flows between FastFit (HQ and Warehouse) and a supplier, including the steps for ordering and invoicing and label each flow descriptively.This diagram will have three circles. b) Compare your drawing with the diagram showing the flows between the customer and the store and explain why the designer is more complicated. 6. Assume that FastFit headquarters pick ups and pays invoices from suppliers. a) How do they decide whether to pay and how much to pay? b) From where do they get the information to make this decision? eCommerce Set of Case Study Questions 7. Describe three geographic locations from which customers can submit orders and any information technology components customers would need (on their end) to accomplish this ordering activity. Location Information engineering Component Home Server Desktop Laptop Routers Web Server Application Road / Anywhere Smart Phones Web Work Laptops School Routers Web Server Application 8. a) Describe the information technology components FastFit needs to interact with customers on the web. Hint Locate a detailed explanation of e-commerce system platforms in the way of life textbook and/or web search. b) At what geographic location within FastFit would you place these information technology components and why? a) IT components Application providers for the purchase and sale of goods software program applications Web software Security software Database Technology infrastructure providers that enables e-commerce Routers Storages Servers (web and commerce) Data centers Hardware Networks from MD PowerPoint session 20 9. FastFit is planning to invest significantly in its e-commerce p latform to increase online ordering. Describe three technology features/capabilities that should be included in the platform and provide business justifications for each feature. Technology feature/ readiness Description Business Justification Browser Program that a user uses to interact with webUsers have access to the Business from servers on the internet anywhere.Increase costumer contact with store. Improve operations by making store more accessible to customer. Web Server Program that communicates with many browsers Allows for multiple users to interact with at the same time using http, by touch on the web page at the same instant. and responding to their requests Increase number of transactions being processed at the same time Commerce Server Computer that provides a business with Allows transactions to be completed through web-based programs that display products, the web. support online ordering, implements a Enables consumers to receive information shopping cart, record and process payments, about products.Automates inventory and interface with inventory-management management applications *from MD PowerPoint session 20 10. a) What does the Haverhill order fulfillment center do? b) Describe the information needed at the warehouse to provide fulfillment services. c) Describe the information created or changed/updated during the course of an e-commerce business transaction. a) i. Warehousing ii. inn processing iii. Finding the item ordered iv. Packing order v. Shipping it to the right address b) Fulfillment Service Information Needed Warehousing Inventory information Warehouse capacity Warehouse organization Suppliers information Order Processing Order Information Item ordered and amount ordered Inventory information (items and quantity) Consumer Information Finding the item ordered Warehouse structure information Item ordered code Packing order Order Information ratiocination inventory In formation Shipping order to right address/store Consumer Information Delivery/Shipping Information *Vendorseek. com c) i. Costumer Address for delivery ii. Order payment confirmation iii. Consumer Confirmation of order iv. Consumer email contact v. Consumer confirmation of delivery date
Friday, May 24, 2019
Novel: 19 Minutes Essay
As kids grow up, they go through several stages to find out who they truly are. Some kids are very sociable and have many friends, when others are shy and not considered the coolest kids around. Jodi Picoult demonstrates isolation impeccably in her novel Nineteen Minutes by delving beneath the surface of a small town to explore what it means to be different in todays society. She shows how one can lose a friend, how people hold up someone feel bad in order to feel good about themselves, and how isolation can lead to death related situations. Teenagers and kids in general, as they grow up they tend to change their friends multiple times. In the novel, Peter Houghton and Josie Cormier are very close friends since their childhood. Josie, unlike Peter, stands up for herself and even Peter sometimes, since he is mostly picked on. One day, when Josie and Peter are young, he decides to show her his fathers shotgun, which he uses to hunt with. Alex, Josies mothers, catches them, and was fur ious saying My daughter has been glide slope over to your house for how long, and youve got guns lying around (Picoult 81)? The mothers from this day on stop being friends, which leads the kids to stop going to each others houses, although they still give care to play at school. Josie did not want to isolate Peter, because they are really good friends. Another thing that occurs in the novel, is that when a new girl conjugate Peter and Josies class, she is not very noticed. One day Peter notices that she is sitting in the middle of an ink stain (Picoult 158). After Peter realizes that this is not an ink stain and the girl has actually got her period, he screams out Dolores has her period (Picoult 158) And then the whole class joins and starts laughing, including Josie. Peter, for a while, enjoys not being the one do fun of for once, but once they kids start teasing her, Peter decides to put a stop(Picoult 159) to it. After this incident, Josie along with the popular kids continue
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Bug Inc Paper
rational Property properly safeguards those who apply for patent registration. It is especially important in the industrial field, such as that where BUG Inc operates, beca char runer it protects the research and development investments of the company. There are many court-ordered protections that BUG Inc can apply for to accomplish this. The protections on Intellectual Property can fall under the ambit of Copyright, Trademark and Patents. Trademark is a very visible and wide issue because of the fact that it is seen in universal things.Given the globalization of the world economy, it is now currently the most violated aspect of Intellectual Property Law at present. Under this legal protection, the owner of the assay-mark has a right to prevent any person from committing trademark infringement or any act that is not in nigh faith with date to the use of the company logo. Trademark covers a very wide scope since it can be used for nearly any creation or paradigm that is protect ed by the trademark license. It covers all signs and insignias that are directly connected to or related to the company that registered the trademark.As such, any company or firm cannot use such trademark without prior consent of the company which owns the trademark. In relation to the logo of BUG Inc, the corporation may file for trademark protection. Under this legal protection, the owner of the trademark has a right to prevent any person from committing trademark infringement or any act that is not in good faith with regard to the use of the company logo. Another legal protection that Bug Inc can apply for is a patent which is designed to protect the electronic recording devices that the company makes. The first subject matter to be discussed is that of Patent.There are basically three (3) types of patents that an individual can apply for. The first type is called the profit Patent. This type of patent is given to any person who is able to invent or discover any novel and useful process, machine, and manufactured article or matter composition. It also includes any new and useful improvement of such. The second type of patent is the design patent. This patent is given to anyone who is able to create an captain and novel ornamental design for any manufactured article. The third type of patent is the plant patent, which is given to anyone who invents or discovers any distinct new signifier of plant.In this slip of paper, as long as the invention involves a new inventive step that has an industrial application it may be registered and issued a patent that gives the owner the exclusive right to utilize the object. 2. ) Given the facts of the case, it must be stated that there is a clear conflict under international laws in case Steve is found guilty. Under the principle of international laws, the imposition of criminal charges is not territorial except if such is a crime against humanity or has been know by international tribunals as among the list of crime s that are crimes regardless of location.For the case at hand, if Canada or Steves mother country does not recognize his act as a crime the United States will have a hard time prosecuting and charging him because he is of a different citizenship. The civil liabilities complex in industrial or corporate espionage depend on the laws of the particular state. One law, however, that is applicable in all states would be the civil liability that is derived from the United States Constitution.It has been acknowledge by a number of Supreme Court decisions that the right to privacy can be invoked by a corporation to a certain extent. This inwardness that the act of Steve in transmitting the communications between the officers and employees is a violation of this right and he is thus civilly liable(p) for damages. Steve may also be found in violation of the pertinent copyright and patent laws depending on the content of the information sent. If the correspondence contained sensitive inside r information with regard to any invention, so Steve would be in violation of the patent law.If on the other hand, there was no sensitive information, the act of hacking into the computer system is also an act that is criminally punishable. In addition to the criminal liability, there is a corresponding civil liability for damages as well. WIRETAP can only be held liable if it is sufficiently shown that it had a hand in the actions of Steve a corporation having a juridical personality distinct from that of its employees, it can be held liable along with Steve if it is shown that it was involved in the aforementioned acts.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Indian Education by Sherman Alexie Reading Response
Indian Education Reading Responses 1. The overarching tone of this piece is shamefully miserable. Sherman Alexie conveys this by using negative diction, for example Alexie begins his first grade excerpt by saying, My hair was short and the U. S. Government glasses were horn-rimmed, worthless The author uses the word ugly to indicate young Alexie lacks in self confidence and is ashamed of his appearance. Alexie continues on saying, in school the other Indian boys chased me from one corner of the resort area to the other.They pushed me down, buried me in the snow until I couldnt breathe, thought Id never breathe again. He was miserable since the day he started school, thats sad. The phrase couldnt breathe, thought Id never breathe makes me feel hopeless and vulnerable all at once. As the school geezerhood goes by, nothing seems to change except Alexie no longer gets physically hurt. He still feels ashamed and dejected from his own tribe. He will always be a misfit. 2. Three example s of satire * Fifth Grade satirizes young Indians access to drugs as an escape route from their misery.Uses imagery to show the beauty of drugs. There is also sarcasm at the very end, Oh, do you remember those sweet, almost innocent choices that the Indian boys were forced to make? Horatian satire. * Sixth Grade Satirizes the young Indians who lack in self confidence. He uses Caustic wit when he said, Always throw the first punch. An Epiphany to defend oneself. I believe it is horatian satire. * Eight Grade Satire that the thin and bulimic girls are no better than himself. Hyperbole is used to show both grew skinny from self pity. Juvenilia satire.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Self critque
The research I use was mostly from personal experience with my daughters condition as well as development I researched online. I feel Like I used a dissever of Information and my classmates got a lot from It also. 2. Organization I attempted to deliver my presentation organized In a way that I could convey my savoir-faire both In a emotional and Informative way. I used somewhat of a chronological order when It came to explaining the events In my daughters life but I do feel that I caked a bit In organization. . creative activity The attention getter I used was Just me talking about why each one of us was taking the time to talk about something were fervent about and how my choice was a bit different than many others my age. I believe it was effective in setting the tone for the presentation. I did present the briny points of speech but it wasnt until after I introduced the subject. 4. Body I feel I presented the information in a logical way and was able to maintenance everyth ing together with the thesis.Since the topic of my speech/presentation was about my daughter, my original fear was to lose track into another subject since I felt I could talk forever about her. I did narrow it down to the main points keeping everything relevant to the thesis. 5. Conclusion I closed my presentation with the title of my speech which was, A little light shines a long way. I felt it conveyed an important message of never giving up and persevering in life, which is relatable in many situations to many people.I ended my speech with short video and my final words to review what was said during the entire speech, so it was clear that my presentation was over. 6. Transitions I used transitions mostly when I was transitioning between ideas during my speech. I tried to firstly start with the idea of the subject and then introduce It completely. Although I did feel my transitions were a bit rough, it is something I need to subject area on. 7. Visual Ad I worked very hard on m y visual aid and felt that It helped convey my speech tenfoldI think I would use the same method of presenting any other speech because I felt hat using a Powering presentation Is one of the best ways of visually showing your audience what you want to talk about. 8. Telling When It came to timing, I wanted everything to sound natural and unfeigned so I TLD want to rush. Having used this method, I believe I went over my time Limit, which will be something I will have to work on. 9. Delivery Initially I was very nervous, so I started speaking very quickly, but as I progressed along, my speed slowed down because I became homely with my audience.I audience, which in the end helped a lot. 0. Practice I rehearsed my presentation several times with my family and classmate Carmen. I feel like getting their feedback helped a lot with condensing UN-useful information, as well as adding better and necessary points to my speech that I had not noticed or already had.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Nursing Dilemmas Essay
There is a set of regulations or guidelines that guide the behavior of moderates in a clinical set up. These are responsibilities towards the patients and other workers in the organization. One of the clinical predicaments encountered when genetic test made on a case reveal a high risk of development of a medical scrap such as breast cancer. The indecisiveness comes in when as a nurse is deciding on how to handle the situation and how to break the news the patient. Some nurses and physicians lead recommend regular screening and, on the other hand, others will propose surgical interventions. There will be a set of uncertainties except using the Ustaals nine steps of coming to a moral decision will dish out solve the situation. Identifying the dilemma is the first step toward realization of the best decision. It involves determining the type of a dilemma whether clinical or legal (Davis, 2010).Identifying the potential outcomes of a decision made will enable unmatchable to know the best option that will have least effects on the patient. The nurse should be able to guide the patient on the implication of either having regular checks or taking a breast surgery. By reviewing the ethical codes guiding that kind of a situation, will be helpful in following the clearest moral code. A nurse is also supposed to consider various actions that can be taken towards the situation and decide the most appropriate way to communicate them to the client. It is vital to list the feasible consequences of choosing a particular course of direction towards solving the experienced dilemma and as a registered nurse one will have the best knowledge on what path to follow. Finally, a nurse will chose the best course of action, involve the patient in the decision through soliciting clients inputs in the decision and eventually, the executing of the strategy will take place.Works CitedDavis, A. (2010). Ethical Dilemmas & Nursing Practice. USA Julie Alexander Publishers.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Ojt experiences employment Essay
In the primary two weeks of my internship, I was able to develop a sense of diligence in every clear assignment given to me. Adding extra care means being always attentive to the present situation, belongings the mind focused with what is currently handled, getting sliceicular with every single detail without missing anything. This is the for the first time thing that I must remember while working on the computer such as encoding financial data and other relevant information. I learned about the basic impairment and concepts associated in diametrical activities which are helpful in understanding its relation to other transaction and work. Lastly, I learned about some rules and procedures that should be strictly exercised and drilld. Sometimes, I was stuck with ample works to do all told at the same time. At first, I found it so hard considering which task must be given priority that I forgot some other things un wearye.Read moreLearning Experience in OJT RestaurantHowever, I am already acquainted with the routine and can manage to handle different works efficiently and effectively all at the same time, with fewer worries as to committing errors. Upon working with the activities above, I knew about many benefits that the SSS have offered to those covered members who already qualify to claim them, such as retirement, death, permanent disability, funeral, sickness and other benefits. When you are new to something and have less idea with what you are supposed to do it, waiting for an order or request is way too better for the meantime than doing things you dont know anything about. As of now, I get all works done smoothly with negligible of supervision. Once a piece of paper is placed on the table, I immediately work my manpower on it.This far, I learned about the schedule of employees and employers contributions in connection to their monthly honorarium credit and monthly contributions. I was able to do a certain work less than the necessitate time e ffectively and efficiently. We are taught about the registration of the self-employed members that within 30 days from the practice of profession and business operation, he/she shall register to the SSS his name, age, civil status, occupation, average monthly net income and dependents.Everything does non merely revolve around the work alone all the time. So far, Ive bee an already acquainted(predicate) with the organizations culture, work ethics, rules and policy, and values which I should conform myself to as being temporarily part of the organization. I was made to realize that the scope of our work should only be limited to what our supervisor had instructed us to do, regardless of how much I know it. Sometimes, we make things and decisions in our own when we think were right at it without prior consultation to the one in authority. I disregard the possibility that somebody else mogul be held accountable for whatever consequences my own acts would have resulted.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Emily Dickinsonââ¬â¢s poem #371 Essay
Analyzing the poem by discovering how the author used literary elements usually is very all of the essence(predicate)(p) to understanding the poems theme. As one of the significant elements, extended fable may perplex one of key ideas in poetry. Depending on the poem, extended metaphor may provide the opportunity to resound on even more deep and hidden, but just as important concepts the author chooses to convey. Similarly, in the poem 371, Emily Dickinson uses extended metaphor as practically the most essential element to convey her feelings in regard to The superannuated arrest held as fascinating and exciting volume.Emily Dickinson compares real historical characters to the Antique Book, swelled it the qualities of a fine gentleman. It is a precious pleasure to meet such a gentleman who depart entice with and tell of his radical but thrilling notions. What must mesmerize Emily in the Antique Book are realistic images of the Dress his Century wore, along with the opportun ity of learning about compositions by Shakespeare, Sappho, Sophocles, Plato, to discern their thoughts in detail, and to understand their contradicted ideas- dreams of the future. Such account of acquaintance, enhanced with the facts of history, is an Enchantment. This sophisticated figure may be high-priced to the teller in the same way Beatrice may be to Dante. It is only one of the many reasons why Emily Dickinson would call Antique Book a gentleman-like, where the contents of a volume either entice, reflect, intrigue, puzzle, or arrest the narrator.The development of this metaphor may be compared with the process of reading and enjoying a book. It can also be seen as an acquaintance with a particular person. As when meeting the gentlemen, the narrator may acquire absolute fascination for this person. Fascination of Emily Dickinson may be seen through diction, since it is evidently apleasureto meet and Antique Book. Further on, it is a venerable Hand to take and later it is His quaint opinions- to view. It seems as if the subject begins to enamour the narrator and thus the conversation begins to be more intriguing. Here, then, Old Volume shake their Vellum Heads, thus tantalizing -just so- The encounter leaves the narrator with only the wish and that is to hear more. Undoubtedly, the same concept can be intercommunicate toan act of reading a book. The acquaintance is then with an interesting book which one reads on to inspect its contents over and over, filled with radical but inspiring ideas. It can be said in overall that the point of interest in this poem arises from the first stanza to the last.Such usage of an extended metaphor and also other literary elements is meant to reveal the theme. What especially underlines the extended metaphor and thus helps to reflect narrators fascinating and exciting account is the use of allusion, diction, iambic pentameter in the poem, and also such elements as assonance and consonance. Basically, a reference t o some of the great people in history is intended to be an aspect of the extended metaphor, which personifies The Antique Book, and is an allusion to the great philosophers, poets, and playwrights. Iambic pentameter is a significant tool because it, though on the face of it plain and simple as an element, may convey numerous things, ideas that prosperous elegance is admired.Emily Dickinson also uses delivery rhyme that might add to the effect of the poem, created as a bit formal but until now a bit irregular. It can arise the same effect a book must produce on the narrator in this poem. In turn, assonance and consonance help to distinguish the key ideas in the poem. Though not many, Emily Dickinson uses consonance to connect the words such as theme, mutual and mind. Also assonance is used in words venerable Hand to take, repeating the vowel sound to emphasize, especially, the privilege cornerstone this act. Referring to all the literary elements Emily Dickinson uses, it must be that otherwise understanding of the poem may have set about convoluted.Consequently the poem thoroughly can be analyzed to trace the elements essential to the theme. It is very important to use such elements where poem may otherwise be seen pointless. In the poem 371, Emily Dickinson effectively reflects on her feelings thus enabling the poem to be intriguing, as the book is to the narrator. It may be true that Emily, as an author, gets her ideas, such a strange at the time and a curious at others embodied in a poetic form, from the sort of Old Volume as the one described in the poem. If so, this correlation coefficient may help suggest a message of a broader issue reflected in this poem.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Skema Answer Manufacturing Proces 1
FACULTI OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG BMM3643 (SEM II_2012-13) Assignment 1 1. a) What metals atomic number 18 frequently digress into products? b) What materials are used to produce the expendable blueprints for investment dramatis personae? c) Explain why a dramatis personae may have to be subjected to various heat treatments. (8 marks) answer a) Cast parts can chain in size from a fraction of an inch and a fraction of an ounce to over 30 feet and umteen tons.Moreover, clay sculpture can incorpo stray complex shapes, hol emit sections or versed cavities, and irregular trend break throughs. b) In investment casting a pattern is formed from a low melting temperature, low vaporization temperature material, often wax. The mold is produced by surrounding the pattern with the mold material. The mold cavity is produced when the pattern is removed by melting/vaporizing the pattern. In early process development with porous mold materials the liquid wax fr om the pattern would migrate into the mold material and be lost. ) Heat treatments (described in Chapter 4) such as quenching and tempering, among others, are carried out to optimize the grain structure of metal castings, thereby controlling and enhancing mechanistic properties. Heat treating can control microporosity, which is a main reason that castings are weak in tension. 2. a) What are some of the attractive features of die casting compared to alternative casting methods? b) For the cast metal wheel illustrated in Figure below, show how (a) riser placement, (b) core placement, and (c) chills may be used to help feed melt down metal and eliminate porosity in the isolated hub boss. ) What are some of the general defects encountered in casting processes? Name and briefly describe lead. (8 marks) Answer a) Die casting is characterized by extremely smooth surface finishes, excellent dimensional accuracy, and high production rates. A case-by-case set of dies can produce many thou sand castings without significant changes in dimension. b) Solutions i) Riser ii) Core iii) Chills c) General defects include v) misruns, in which the casting solidifies in the first place filling the mold cavity v) cold shuts, in which cardinal portions of metal flow together however there is lack of fusion at the joint vi) cold shots, where solid globules of cast metal exit entrapped in the casting vii) shrinkage cavity, which is a depression on the casting surface or an internal void in the casting caused by solidification shrinkage viii) microporosity, which is a network of small voids throughout the casting caused by localized solidification shrinkage and ix) hot tearing, which is a crack in the casting caused by a mold that does not ield to the metal during the early stages of solidification shrinkage. 3. a) How does the theoretical accountation of a thermoplastic resin polymer differ from the processing of a thermosetting polymer? b) What are the significant differences in the equipment and operating procedures between shot mold- ing of thermoplastics and injection clay sculpture of thermosets? c) Can thermosetting plastics be used in injection mould? Explain. (8 marks) Answer a) Thermoplastic polymers can be heated to a temperature at or near the melting temperature so that the material becomes either a formable solid or a liquid.The polymer can than be cast, injected into a mold, or forced through a die to produce the desired shape. With thermosetting polymers, once the polymerization has occurred, no further deformation can occur. Thus, the polymerization reaction and the shape-forming process must be accomplished simultaneously. b) The differences in injection shape of thermosets are (1) shorter obstaclerel length, (2) lower temperatures in the barrel, these first two reasons to prevent unseasonable curing and (3) use of a heated mold to cause cross-linking of the TS polymer. c) Thermosetting plastics are suitable for injection molding.Th e basic modification which must be made to the process is that the molds must be heated to furnish polymerization and crosslinking to occur in the mold cavity. The major drawback associated with this change is that, because of the yearlong cycle times, the process leave alone not have as high a production rate as injection molding of thermoplastics. 4. a) Identify one injection molding process could be used to inject a single part with two or more different material as shown below. b) Describe process mechanism c) List and explain THREE (3) advantages of this technology? (8 marks) Answer a) Multi-shot injection molding ) This process ables to to shoot two or more different materials into the same mold, into different locations, resulting in parts with increased functionality, improved cosmetics, and three-fold mechanical properties. c) Advantages i) Reduced cycle time * Compared to multiple molding cycles of separate components, molding multiple materials in the same cycle has obvious time and labor benefits. ii) Reduced part cost * Combine trim cycle times, reduced labor times, and eliminated assembly operations, and the total cost of multi-shot molded parts becomes less, compared to alternative single-shot methods. ii) change Adhesion * With multi-shot molding we get a true physical bond, resulting in a much stronger, longer lasting bond, compared to more traditional skin on skin insert molding or post-molding assembly. 5. d) What are stable gear-molding compounds (SMCs)? Bulk-molding compounds (BMCs)? e) What are some of the forms in which reinforcement fibers appear in composite materials? f) Describe the problems involved in recycling products made from reinforced plastics. (8 marks) Answer a) Sheet molding compounds are sheets composed of chopped fibers and resin, the sheets creation about 0. inch in thickness. These can be press-formed in heated dies to provide an alternative to sheet metal where light weight, corrosion resistance and integral color are desired. Bulk-molding compounds are fiber-reinforced thermoset molding materials containing short fibers in random orientation. They are formed into products using processes like compression molding, transfer molding or injection molding. b) Fiber-reinforced composites use the might of the fibers to impart additional strength to the fiber-matrix whole.The use of fibers means that added strength will be in the fiber length direction. The commonly used fiber forms are i) long, around-the-clock fibers are their use results in increased strength in the fiber length direction, ii) fibers interweave into fabric layers used in thin sheet composites and they add strength in the two in-plane fiber directions, iii) woven fabrics of fibers formed in three dimensions so that when embedded in the matrix strength in three dimensions is increased, iv) short, chopped fibers that can be oriented in a particular direction or randomly. ) The main problems are that recycling usually requir es the use of a single type of material, and that some plastics (mainly hard and brickly polymers) are more difficult to chop into small pieces for further processing than others. With reinforced plastics, this requires that the reinforcement be separated from the matrix, a very difficult task and uneconomical task. Note that matrices are often thermosets, so it is not practical to melt the matrix and separate the fibers from a molten phase. 6. ) In the casting of brand name under certain mold conditions, the mold constant in Chvorinovs Rule is known to be 4. 0 min/cm2, based on previous experience. The casting is a flat plate whose length =30cm, breadth =10cm, and thickness =20 mm. Determine how long it will take for the casting to solidify. h) A round bar of 15-mm diameter is extruded from a single-screw extruder of 100 mm barrel diameter. The material is LDPE. Calculate i) The approximate flow rate (kg/h), ii) Speed of emerging extrusion Given Density LDPE = 0. 92 g/cm3) (10 marks) Answer a) flashiness V = 30 x 10 x 2 = 600 cm3 Area A = 2(30 x 10 + 30 x 2 + 10 x 2) = 760 cm2 Chvorinovs Rule TTS = Cm (V/A)2 = 4(600/760)2 = 2. 493 min b) R i) menstruate rate, qe= CeDscr = 0. 006(100)2. 3 = 238. 86 kg/h ii) Density, ? = 0. 92 g/cm3 Cross-sectional area = (152*? )/4 = 1. 767cm2 Volume = 238. 86 / 0. 92 = 259635cm3/h = 72. 12cm3/s Extrusion speed = 72. 12 / 1. 767 = 40. 8 cm/s ******************************************************
Film And Mafia: Comparing the Godfather and The Untouchables Essay
Good vs. Evil, a universal theme seen throughout the history of story telling, bunghole find itself to be especially pliant and suprising in the modern gangster movie. In the classic depiction of this struggle, the Gangster was looked upon as the criminal, the bad guy, piece today this is not unendingly the baptismal font. In this paper I will be explaining the early gangster films restrictions on who could be slap-up or sin, and then introduce the two films I will be comparing. aft(prenominal) a brief summary, a comparing and contrasting will take place mingled with them, dischargeering insights into how the two assorted films offer up this classic struggle. Early on in the gangster film genre, when the Hays Code was in effect, crime was not allowed to be something that was glamorized. The Hays Code was essentially a set of moral standards films had to measure up to before being passed for distribution. It lasted from 1930 until 1968. The Hays code do things like prof anity, violence, and sex completely unmentionable or undoable on the big screen.In the typesetters case of the gangster film, the gangster, as stated above, was always to be portrayed as the bad guy, and was almost always met with demise by the end of the film, to give the idea that crime doesnt pay. As discussed in class, the obstructer to the gangster in these early films was usually the researcher. The detective was the true(p) guy, that is, usually a white, clean cut, divinity fudge fearing American man who takes it upon himself to rid his city of crime after the rise of the gangster. This example of strong vs curse was appargonnt to me in the film we watched earlier in the year, Little Caesar (1931).It doesnt quite develop the detective as well as another(prenominal) films, but you could clearly see the Hays Code at work. The gangster in this film is portrayed as a stereotypical immigrant uneducated, not speaking in truth good English, and destined for a life of crime. The life of crime would be short lived, however, as the patrol (all very Americanized white men) take Caesar strike down in the end, keeping their city safe from the treachery of the gangster. later the Hays Code ended, films could explore more things in the realms of which characters would be good or bad.Criminal types could nowadays be portrayed in a favorable light, and in some cases, the audience may change surface feel sympathetic towards their cause, as perhaps they are the underdog, trying to make a living in any way possible. The classic good guys, jurisprudence, politicians, or the like, could now be portrayed as corrupt, so turning the tables on the audience, who would normally expect them to be the heroes of the story. The Godfather (1972) portrays these points perfectly. The Godfather tells the story of the Corle angiotensin-converting enzyme Family- a family from Sicily who comes to America to attain the American Dream. Led at first by Vito Corleone, and later hi s son Michael, The Godfather takes a very different salute to the classical image of the gangster as the bad guy. As the movie progresses, one feels sympathetic toward the family and their struggles, plain though their lives are based around organized crime and extreme violence. Through the characters of the movie, one can begin to understand that the life of crime is the only one that will allow the family to attain the American Dream of prosperity. One even begins to root for the family to succeed- they become they good guys. especially after Vito dies, and his son Michael assumes discover of the familys affairs. The morality of the family is also warped in a way that makes one sympathetic towards their cause. Although they kill, extort, and grease ones palms their way to power, there are certain things they stand against as well. The only people who get killed are men no women and sisterren are harmed. They also do not get involved in drugs, as this is con alignred to be to o immoral a style of prosperity. The antagonists, or evil to the Corleones are many-fold.They battle against the other mafia families, after the very same thing the Corleones seek. They deal with corrupt police police officers and politicians, being bought off by rival families to put an end to their reign. As stated above, this is a complete reversal from what one would expect to see in the early gangster film. The Godfather offers a very unique perspective into what a gangster film could become in modern cinema. The Untouchables (1987) on the other hand, offers the more classic scenario of good and evil, but with a little twist.The story takes place in Prohibition-era Chicago, where Al Capone has the city in his tail end pocket, allowing his criminal activity to go completely unchecked. Capone is portrayed as the bad guy, with protagonist, Treasury Department divisor Elliot mantle, trying to figure out a way to restore order to the city. This carries the classic theme of good vs evil as the gangster portraying evil and law enforcement good, yet the twist is that most of the police force is corrupt, being bribed by Capone. ness cannot trust anyone, and fails in his first attempt to bring Capone down by raiding one of his liquor warehouses.As the film progresses, Ness meets up with another officer who also vehemently defends righteousness, and the two begin to hatch a plan to take down Capone together. After discovering the amount of putre accompanimention in the court schema and on the police force, Ness and his partner sink to go outside of the law, and form a team of trustworthy men fresh from the police academy, unable(p) to be corrupted by the allure of money from Capone. This development offers a disconnect in the traditional view of the hero, as in order to achieve his goal, the hero may need to use means which could possibly be looked upon as immoral and illegal.The audience gives this lapse of righteousness a pass in favor of the ultimate go al, however, which remains getting the bad guy. Eventually, at the end of the movie, Capone is finally brought to referee. It is done so in a completely non-violent way, although violence was definitely used in order to reach the climax. The corruption in the courts is shown as being broken, and Capone is sentenced to jail for tax evasion. These two films give a very different portrayal of the life of crime and how the gangster operates and is viewed by the audience.In The Godfather, the audience is subjected to the inner-workings of the Corleone Family, and gains an appreciation for their dedication and hit the sack for each other. Their criminal activity can be overlooked, as the world that they live in is voluptuous against their success, and they are simply trying to provide for each other in the only way they cut how. This is contrary to what is portrayed in The Untouchables, where the gangster is not given the opportunity to make a corporation with the audience, instead h is way of life is given the title of evil, while the family man Elliot Ness is the focus.His striving for justice is given the spotlight, and the audience is shown to root for him. He is the hero in a world filled with evil and corruption. An interesting dilemma arises from the way in which Elliot Ness achieves his success against evil, however, as stated above in the movies summary. Just as the audience is to overlook the injuredoings of the Corleone family in their pursuit of happiness, the same must(prenominal) be done for Elliot Ness in the way he tiptoes along the fine line betwixt legal and illegal during his pursuit of Capone. He kills and tortures Capones henchmen in order to get at Capone himself.In the tradition legal system of the United States, all men accused of wrong doing should be brought in front of a court and judged fairly. This is shown to be impossible, due to the corruption of Chicagos legal system at the time, with Capone bribing everyone from judges to jur ies. Thus Elliot Ness and his posses transgressions against humanity are brushed to the side in the place of the ultimate goal of restoring peace to the city. The main characters of the two films are in accompaniment very similar, despite being on different sides of the law.Michael Corleone and Elliot Ness are some(prenominal) at their core, good men. Their upbringing and families are the key difference in how they are perceived in the world. Michael Corleone was born into a life of crime. It is interesting that in the first of his story, he sort of on the outside looking in. The family tune is really no concern to him. He is shown as having served in the army, and having an American girlfriend. This removes him from the inner workings of his family for some time, but when he is called upon to step up and protect his family in a dire time of need, he does so.His character transforms from an innocent man on the outskirts of his familys life of crime, to a man who is just as or pe rhaps even more ruthless than his father before him after he assumes control. Elliot Ness is a protector of the law. He takes his job very seriously, and believes in the justice system as a means of keeping evil out of his city. He is a family man as well, with his wife and child (later on children,) constantly in his mind. His goal is to protect them and the city he loves at all costs. He also goes through a pretty drastic transformation.From the naive agent who believes in his justice system, to a cold-blooded killer intent on destroying the criminal enterprise threatening his family and city. Both of these transformations are veritable by the audience, and really lead one to root for these particular characters. Although they are both shown to get their men dirty, and although they are on opposite sides of the law, common ground can be found in the fact that they both are men who stand up for what they believe in, and are willing to put themselves in harms way if it means prote cting their families, as well as everything else they choose dear.Even in the case of the criminal, the audience can come to terms with the idea that he is simply staying true to his beliefs, and that is something that should be respected. Elliot Ness is a character who in the beginning is easy to root for, and even though some readiness waver on his methods, still end up rooting for him in the end. Michael Corleone is tougher to root for in the beginning of his saga, due to his distance from his family, yet towards the end of the film, is easy to root for in the coming to defense of his family in their time of need.This contrast shows that even though the distinct characters follow very different story arcs in their respective films, both are ultimately loved by the audience. Good vs. Evil is not a black and white subject. As these two films show, it is indeed very grey. The line between right and wrong can be very blurred, and can be crossed many times throughout the lead of a story. Perceptions of characters and their place in the world can change drastically based on a few events, and the classic examples of cops and robbers can be turned on their heads.I greatly enjoy both of the films discussed in this paper as they are very different in many ways, yet in the end, provide us the audience with a common denominator, a lovable character who will hold our attention to the very end. Even though the circumstances in which these characters interact with their worlds vary greatly, they both essentially hold the same values very close to their hearts, and that is what shows on the big screen. It shows us that whatever our gestate notions are about who is good and bad in a particular scenario, everyone has an opportunity to prove us right or wrong.This is what makes the modern gangster film so popular and great- an ability for us, the audience, to be surprised. Bibliography analysis of The Untouchables (1987). IMDb. IMDb. com, n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. . Syn opsis of The Godfather (1972). IMDb. IMDb. com, n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. . Bynum, Matt. The Motion Picture takings Code of 1930 (Hays Code). The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code). Arts Reformation, n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. .
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